Screening: The Story of Winter, October 25th at the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis!
Disclaimer: our editor and sound designer had nothing to do with this iMovie trailer, so don't blame them for it!
Holy carp, we made a movie! And now it's time to screen it.
So, at the Parkway Theater on Saturday October 25th at 6:30 PM, we will screen The Story of Winter.
Here are the details:
- Doors open to general public at 6:30, with mingling and cash bar
- Formalities begin at 7:00, screening begins at 7:45, with Q&A/discussion to follow
- We expect to be wrapped up between 8:45 and 9:15, but we will stick around for further mingling
- Tickets are $15 for 1, $25 for two (plus a small service fee). Note that to get the discount, the system needs you to buy in even numbers.
- In the event that we have any remaining seats available, we will sell tickets at the door for $20 each. We strongly encourage you to buy online, as it will save you money and will really help the venue plan its staffing needs.
- This is the only planned public screening. Don't miss out!

Other items of note:
If you were a Kickstarter backer at $10 or more, you should have received other messages from us, and you do not need purchase tickets (unless you would like to do so for others).
The Parkway is in a residential neighborhood. Parking is limited. Pepito’s Restaurant (who owns the theater) does have a valet service for guests of the restaurant. Parking is allowed in the nearby Wells Fargo lot after 6:30 PM. Whatever you choose, give yourself the extra time to find a spot.
A cash bar will be available when doors open to the public, and after the screening as well.
If you would like to eat, we encourage you to make reservations at Pepito’s for a meal before the screening. You may also order food from Pepito’s and bring it into the Parkway, though they will likely be extremely busy during the mingling time and the screening.
We are very excited to share our film with you, and we look forward to seeing you on the 25th.
our quest to make a movie about winter in Minnesota, Alec Johnson and I
spent two years and a few thousand hours of planning, traveling,
arguing, doing-over and re-imagining, to get 40+ hours of raw footage
that needed [A TON] of editing + sound-fixing--two things neither of us
can do. So we hired Dale DiMassi and Allison Reitz, two exceptionally patient, competent and good-natured people. They got us to the finish line. We did it! We made a movie!
Previous update: May 2014. Some of you may have heard that Alec Johnson and I have been working on a documentary film we are calling The Story of Winter that we expect to screen during Fall 2014. Here is a non-trailer, that is really just Alec and me having fun
with the default settings in iMovie (which, no film wonks, we are
not really using for production). We will have a more proper trailer available during May. If you are obsessed already and must know more, you can read on below too!
Here's the short version of our story. I work 40+ hours per week for my sometimes fascinating job-job, and I work a smaller double-digit number of hours per week doing nourish-my-soul things, mostly related to the weather. I also have a two kids, a dog, a social life, and I like being active too. And, as you may know, I love the weather, enjoy thinking and writing about it, and occasionally even get on public stages to proclaim my love for it. That's me.
Alec Johnson is a Professor, full-time, a professional portrait and architecture photographer with a
1000-hour-per-year Lake Superior landscape-photography habit, who sits on the Boards of a handful of local businesses, and oh yeah, has a brand new business of his own that threatens to revolutionize the way college professors organize and distribute materials.
Alec and I met in 2012, talked about our lives and interests,and concluded the obvious: with our copious free time, we should probably get started right away making a movie together. The topic would be winter, and particularly winter in Minnesota. Neither of us had a tenth of an ounce of experience. Perfect!
So, we started filming in December 2012, and shot right into the spring. We then reviewed everything, decided what we'd do differently, ran a successful Kickstarter campaign, and spent much of the 2013-14 winter executing. A couple hundred hours of planning and head-scratching, a few dozen field excursions, ~50 interviews, who-knows-how-many hours of raw footage, and 17 cries for help later, we are done shooting. We think. And now we have Dale DiMassi, who worked on the North Metro Television regional Emmy award-winning documentary, Aviation Storytellers: The Tail Gunner and the Navigator, and is going to turn all the trouble we have made into magic.
I will be posting updates about the movie on this page every time we have something that warrants an update. Of course, you can like us on Facebook too. And, if you really can't wait and can't get enough, then you can find the little pieces about this project in hidden corners of the internet, like at Minnesota 2020, for example.